undergraduate atudent loans

Brazos Student Loan Frequently Asked Questions

Brazos Higher Education offers Texas residents low-rate loans. Even if you live outside of Texas and plan to attend a Texas college, we have a loan that can save you money.

Have questions about the Brazos Student Loan? We've answered some of the most common questions below!

If you still have a question, give us a call at 1-800-453-0841 or send us an email at info@brazos.us.com.

Not a Texas Resident & Not attending a Texas school? CLICK HERE- We Can Still Help!
undergraduate atudent loans

Brazos Student Loan Overview


If you are not a Texas resident but you plan to attend an eligible Texas school, you are in luck. You can take advantage of Brazos' low rates just like a Texas resident.

Brazos Student Loan Eligibility Requirements

Brazos Student Loan Options

Certifying the Cost of Attendance

Applying For a Loan

Repaying Your New Student Loan