What is College Decision Day? Making the Right Decision – For You!

BIG Ideas:
- When accepted to several different schools, consider factors like finances, location, and majors available.
- Think about the hidden costs, such as fees for studying abroad or traveling back and forth to an out-of-state school.
- Consider what’s important to you outside of classes when making your decision such as if a school has a career center, study abroad program, or division one sports.
Yay! You’re going to college! Now one big question remains: how do you choose where you actually want to go?
Most colleges require you to have a deposit down by May, but you should check with your college to make sure you know what the deadlines are for the upcoming academic year.
Keep reading to learn what you should consider when making your big decision.
There’s no better feeling than opening up your college acceptance letters and realizing you have options. That being said, it could also feel so overwhelming. How do you know where to choose or what place might be best for your future? Ask yourself the following questions to help you narrow down where you’d like to attend.
- How are you paying for college and how much can you afford for school? Have an honest talk with your parents about how much they may contribute. Add up how much financial aid you’ve received as well as scholarships and grants. For schools that are out of state, estimate how much money it may cost to get to and from the school on breaks.
- Should you choose a local public college, private college, or public school out of state? If you have options that fall into each of these categories, you’ll see that they all come with different price tags. Judge how much you would have to spend for the total cost of your tuition including scholarships and grants.
- Which schools offer the majors you want? Does the school have other majors you’re interested in if you change your mind or aren’t sure what you want to study? Would you still choose this school if you decided to switch majors?
- What’s important to you in a school outside of your typical classes? There are a lot of ways to learn, even outside of the classroom. Do you have any interest in studying abroad in Paris, Sydney, or Rome? How about seeing some of the best in college sports by attending a division-one school? It’s important to consider opportunities that may be exciting for you during your four years at school.
- What hidden costs are there? Besides tuition, there may be hidden costs with studying abroad, traveling to and from the school regularly, the cost of books, etc. Understanding these costs and how they may differ from each college may be a deciding factor.
- What does each college offer to help you after you graduate? Is there a career office that will help you get internships or other work opportunities both while you’re in school and after you graduate?
Choosing a school is a big decision and you need to make sure you consider all of the factors before taking the plunge. That being said, at the end of the day, you have to go where you feel is the best fit for you, and sometimes, it all comes down to a feeling.
Have your school picked out? Brazos is here to help
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